Hey, welcome to my site! You probably know me from my tumblr. I'm planning on using this site for making shrines, mostly about movies, tv, games, etc.

Use the sidebars above for navigation to the main pages, and have a look around! If you know me and have a site let me know through my inbox or tumblr so I can add your button to my footer. Also use the inbox to say whatever else you wanna say.

This site and most of its pages are best viewed on desktop, preferably on a 16:9 monitor - not all the themes have been optimised for different screen sizes.

Add my button to your site! Copy the code below (I'll probably make a nicer one at some point lol)

<a href="https://002700.neocities.org"><img src="https://002700.neocities.org/002700.png"></a>


[21/02/2024] first iteration of site created