metal gear

Metal Gear Solid is my favourite video game series of all time. It's a long as series of games with way too many to play, but if you like compelling stories about war and peace, power and control, revenge and forgiveness, burgers and otakus, then I highly recommend it.

I first got into MGS in 2022, so not that long ago at the time of writing this! Currently, my favourite game to play has to be MGS V: The Phantom Pain, despite it not being the best story - it's gameplay is the most modern and therefore the best for a bad gamer such as myself lol. I think Metal Gear Solid still holds up as the best plot out of any of the games, but that might just be beacuse it's the easiest to follow as well lmao.

I'm currently looking forward to the Snake Eater remake that's coming out soon, mostly because I hope it means that Peace Walker will be up next for a remake and we get to see an HD version of 1974 Kaz :) but also because it's fun to see the games get a revival, even if Kojima isn't involved.
